.....they took advantage of the Federal Housing tax credit and bought their first home! Congratulations, Austin and Courtney!!! You're homeowners!
I really have no idea when they got old enough to even buy a home! Don't you have to be 18? Wow, time flies! Wasn't it just yesterday they were in high school. No wait, I remember them in their caps and gowns......and I remember their going to college.....and, although I wasn't there, I've seen their wedding pictures. Well, that does it! They grew up and I WAS watching....it's real, but sometimes doesn't seem so.
Dennis and I were fortunate enough to be a part of this big step in their lives and it truly was a joy. Aside from having to patiently (?) wait for a very important document (which I the forgot to bring to the closing....the picture below is Dennis looking for it....Courtney could only chuckle!)
to arrive from a ship off the coast of South Africa, it went very smoothly. They asked all of the right questions.....I knew they would be well informed homeowners and that they knew what they were doing. I was so proud of them.....they are so grown up!
So.....because Austin was out to sea, he was not at the closing.....well, kinda sorta....but not really!
He emailed us after midnight to let us know he was "alive and well" and that Courtney had the "go" to proceed with closing, but somehow I wanted to include him in the "event". It's now a tradition that when and OSLer can't be present, we take a picture and bring it with us! Courtney also brought her camcorder and we made him a little video.....
she read carefully over the documents........she signed....
.sighed.....and grinned!
All that was left was "the move"!

Thanks again, Courtney and Austin.....for being so great to work with, but more for allowing us to be a part of such an important time in your life!
Note: OK, now listen up, OSLers.......I can lend in ALL 50 states! If you decide that you want to take advantage of the tax credit, give me a call! If nothing else, I'll make sure you're getting a good deal wherever you decide to get your financing!
LOve the photo of Austin! It puts the icing on the cake... the sprinkles would be on the cake too if he could have been there in person!
I agree, Haley!!!
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